Data & Reporting

Grow your business with data & insights at your fingertips

Juvonno turns your clinic data into reports, statistics, and insights you can use to grow your business and run a great practice.

Run detailed clinic reports inside Juvonno.
Juvonno clutter-free reporting

Get a 360 degree view of your business

Run reports on every area of your practice, from income and receivables to growth and productivity metrics. Our reporting tools give you a complete picture of how your clinic is performing so you can seize key opportunities.

Juvonno clutter-free reporting

Enjoy beautiful, clutter-free reporting

Juvonno's powerful data filters allow you to customize your reports so that you're able to focus on the most relevant data. Reports exports to Excel and PDF.

See your clinic KPIs at a glance with Juvonno

See your key performance metrics at a glance

Sometimes all you need to know is that you're moving in the right direction. Get a daily, weekly, or monthly snapshot of your clinic's performance.

Get the data & reporting you need to make better decisions & support your team

Skip the complicated formulas

Juvonno will automatically calculate and compile high-level statistics like patient retention, schedule efficiency, chart completion, and more just for you.

Make your accountants happy

Download easy-to-read reports for your accountants.

You'll find all the reports you need to balance your books with Juvonno.

Run reports retroactively.

Download reports on all your invoicing records.

Find growth opportunities

See your top performers, the products and services driving your revenue, and where the growth opportunities are.

Pay out commissions

Run up-to-the-minute reports on commission earnings for the period.

Pay commissions on completed appointments or booked appointments. Juvonno makes commission management easy

Use our powerful patient segmentation tools

Create highly specific patient lists by filtering data stored within your EMR. Do you want a list of patients who received a treatment for the first time in the last 3 months? Juvonno's got you covered.

Save your filter settings so you can run the same report later and view an updated list.

List ready? Use JComm to email or text everyone on your list.

Get scheduling insights

Juvonno reports on every aspect of your scheduling activities to help you optimize your time:

Online bookings

Appointment cancellations

Re-booked appointments

Patient and/or appointment status reports

Audit trails & compliance

In accordance with personal health information regulations like HIPAA & PIPEDA, Juvonno keeps track of who is doing what within the system at all times.

Run reports to see a summary of changes to medical records and login history,

Export your data easily

Juvonno allows you to export, reports to PDF or Excel so you can format, organize, and drill down into the data on every aspect of your organization.

Export your clinic's information, such as patient demographics and appointments, anytime you need.

Integrate Google Tag Manager for patient portal insights

With Juvonno's integration to Google Tag Manager, you can track your patients' interactions with the Patient Portal and gain insights on how well your patient portal is converting page visits into appointment bookings.

Month-end? Keep calm, you have Juvonno for that.

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